Guide and Angel Readings; Meeting Your Guides
Closure and Speaking with Lost Loved Ones
Love Readings
Past and Future Life
Health and Healing
Communication with Higher Self and the Living
Animal Communication


Everyone has Spirit Guides and Guardian Angles that we work with in our life here on earth. We made these agreements before we were born into our present incarnation, while still on the Otherside. Not only do these Ascended beings aid and guide us here on Earth, we also allow them to learn and grow from our human experience. And then of course there are Angels and Archangels and many different tiers of spiritual beings, not to mention our ‘higher-selves’ and the G.O.D. Source – the ‘Great One Destiny’ that we can all make contact with for guidance.

We all come into this world with at least one ‘Primary Life Guide’ that usually remains with you for your entire incarnation and then we are assigned or ask for many other Guides for other specialties throughout our lives. After all, you wouldn’t hire a banker to consult on a romantic relationship, would you? It is not unusual, as a child, to have twenty or more Guides or Angels with you at any given time. However, as you grow older, you generally need fewer and fewer guides to assist you in everyday life. Although, you can access new ones at any point in your life by requesting help in a particular area, such as love, career, health, clarity, or finances – be sure you are very specific when you make the request, since there is a big difference between a Love Guide and a Romance Guide for instance. However, we do acquire these new Guides for only the period for which we actually need them or request their help. It’s also not uncommon to share Guides with others you are involved with either personally or in business, or with those who are currently embodied from your soul-group on the Otherside.

It’s also nice just to be able to address your Guide by name and have a chat whenever the moment strikes you. Remember, they are no different than a friend that you might call up on the phone and chat to in this lifetime, so you wouldn’t speak with that person on a regular basis and never even know their name, would you?

By learning to communicate with the Otherside, you will be tapping into your Spiritual Power. Make the investment into your Spiritual Attunement and unlock the key to love, success, prosperity, money, health, and happiness.

Scheduling and rates for Readings are available
by sending an email to or by calling (310) 613-8872.



We are able to put you in touch with loved ones who have passed whether they have crossed or if they are still Earthbound. What many people misunderstand is that even if a loved one has crossed over, they are almost always able to come back to speak with you. If they have not crossed, we can assist you in crossing them over to the ‘Light’ – allowing them to ascend to the Otherside. Once they have crossed, they are much better enabled to assist you here. Keeping them Earthbound by refusing to let go only limits your ability and theirs to continue forward progress.

“Connecting someone with a loved one on the Otherside is probably one of the most satisfying things I’ve ever done. Seeing the relief and peace that it brings the living is so fulfilling that I would do that kind of work everyday if I could. The realization that one has not lost total contact with that loved one somehow makes their loss more bearable. I have seen individuals go from a state of total depression and grief to that of elation and relief just knowing that their loved one is okay and still reachable from the Otherside.”

Scheduling and rates for Readings are available
by sending an email to or by calling (310) 613-8872.



Known as the ‘Love Psychic,’ Cheryl du Bois has often found her intuitive matchmaking skills to be right on target with a number of successful matches accredited to her skills as a Medium.

She will connect you with your Love or Romance Guide and or the Love Guide of your partner for advice on your current, past, or hopeful relationship(s).

“If you want to speak directly with the current subject of your affection, or your future love’s ‘higher-self,’ whom you have not yet met, that is also possible without them ever consciously knowing it. I had been communicating with the Otherside for years before I realized that I was also able to speak with the living via the same method as speaking with those on the Otherside. If a living individual is willing, it is quite easy to speak with their ‘higher-self’ using an Angel Board, even if they aren’t consciously aware of your communication. This is a very good way to resolve differences and conflict if the other person’s ‘higher-self’ or super-consciousness is willing to participate. Of course, this is something you do when you are not in the same location as the person you are attempting to speak with.”

Scheduling and rates for Readings are available
by sending an email to or by calling (310) 613-8872.



Past-Life information can serve as a valuable source of therapy for a troubled relationship. It is possible to ask how many lifetimes you have lived with a particular individual, what your relationship was during those lifetimes, what years you were alive, what part of the world you lived in – or other planets or universes, and what importance that lifetime plays in your relationship with that person in the present. In fact, it is usually possible to get just about any specific detail from that lifetime or even speak to the ‘you’ from that embodiment.

“What I have been able to learn about my past relationships from both regressions and channeling the Otherside has answered a lot of questions that I’ve had about problems in my relationships with the same souls in this lifetime. When I do a ‘past-life’ session for someone I always ask my Guides to make contact with their Primary Life Guide who can help walk the person through the ‘past-life’ information they are seeking. If the person wishes to know if they have known a particular person in a ‘past-life,’ I usually start by asking how many lifetimes they’ve spent together in total. Then I ask how many lives were as husband and wife or lovers and how many times they were in the same gender roles as they are today. Then I get some of the other relationships spent together such as mother – son, brother – sister, father – daughter, friends, etc., which can have a great deal of influence on how a relationship may be functioning in the present. Several times I have done sessions for people and another version of themselves has come through from a previous lifetime.”

Scheduling and rates for Readings are available
by sending an email to or by calling (310) 613-8872.



We are able to contact your health and healing Guides, Archangel Raphael, and Edgar Cayce for guidance on a specific illness or your general health and well being.

Scheduling and rates for Readings are available
by sending an email to or by calling (310) 613-8872.



It is also possible to make direct contact with a future, unborn child, and to communicate with individuals in a coma, or those who are disabled in some way and unable to speak either from a birth defect, a genetic disorder, or an accident.

Scheduling and rates for Readings are available
by sending an email to or by calling (310) 613-8872.


It is totally possible to speak with your pets – both those who are living and those who have passed. “In fact, with the use of my Angel Board I am able to talk to them as if you and I were having a conversation with a person sitting in the room.” If you have a missing or stolen pet, we are able to locate this animal and in most cases, bring them home.

I am often asked to find missing pets for clients. The following is a testimonial by one whose dog went missing on Ajax mountain in Aspen last summer.

“Thanks to everyone for the support during the 28 hour search and rescue for Lola. Ali and I found her at 7pm last night. For those who want more of the story read on… At 2pm Friday Lola got scared, broke through her leash and ran up Aspen Mtn.

Many friends joined me in searches that went into Friday night and again starting at dawn Saturday. By Saturday afternoon it seemed like searching was futile – Lola was either gone forever or might turn up in town in a few days. Ali’s sister Nina had followed via my tweets and kept txt’ing back that she knew Lola was scared and hiding and waiting for me. Nina took it upon herself to contact a famous animal psychic in LA. At this point she was our only hope.

What happened next is out of a movie. The psychic, Cheryl, asked me to send her a map of Aspen Mtn. We sent her the two pdf’s of google satellite images. An hour later she told me to focus on a different part of the mtn. We had narrowed our search to another region. She sent us higher and over to the middle saying Lola had been hiding out all day up there. After searching that area to no avail, she told us Lola had decided to go closer to town for food and sent us in a straight line down. She specifically told us to go north of the top of Mill Street.

At 7pm, finally too worn out, we decided to quit for the night. As I walked down to Ali and the car at Mill Street I saw Lola trotting down a drainage line right at me, After 28 hrs this seemed like a mirage and felt somehow too easy. If not for Nina and Cheryl we would have quit by Sat. afternoon. Cheryl managed to guide us to a needle in a haystack. Thanks to everyone for the support.

- Mark, Ali and Lola (August 16, 2009)

Scheduling and rates for Readings are available
by sending an email to or by calling (310) 613-8872.


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(310) 613-8872

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