Once a spirit has crossed-over to the light and comes back for a visit here on our plane, they are Ascended Beings and know that they are unable to harm us or interfere in our world in anyway. In fact, they cannot even contact us or help us unless we enlist them or ask them to get involved in our lives.

“Earthbound entities are a different story all-together and they can still be living in the same negative mindset that they had while here on Earth. In fact, some can be a downright ‘pain-in-the-ass.’ It’s not likely that they will be dangerous, however they often do have such a strong connection to the physical plane that they still seem to have the ability to manipulate inanimate objects on occasion. In these instances it’s necessary to either get rid of them by crossing them over or forcefully removing them from the property, or if they refuse to leave, you may find it necessary to move from the space that seems to be inhabited. I do many clearings of homes and businesses for clients across the country.

The only reason I do make the exception and intentionally make contact with an Earthbound entity is to clear a location or allow someone to assist in crossing-over a loved one after they’ve passed. If I’m working in a new location, especially an older building with a lot of history, I often find it necessary to clear the space first of Earthbound spirits – by kindly asking them to leave or simply uninviting them to talk. After asking nicely, the stubborn ones often call for the big guns finding it necessary to bring in Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabrielle, or Azrael to force them out, or at least to spiritually gag them for a brief period of time. This is not my first choice, but it is sometimes necessary to insure a clear space in an overly active location such as a club, or other older building or local, especially where the living gather or party. Contrary to popular belief, most of those who have passed-on don’t usually hang out in graveyards, as one might expect. Instead, they prefer to hang with the living – living it up and enjoying the occasional ride for a little human experience with those who are intoxicated or under the influence of other substances. After all, possession is nine/tenths of the law and when one is not 100% in control of their senses, Earthbound entities find it quite accessible to do a little hitchhiking. That is why you’ll often find someone with a substance abuse problem to have more than one personality. It is possible to exorcise an Earthbound entity from an individual, but only if that person is ready to let that spirit free-loader go.”

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